Sunday, September 19, 2010

Enable and disable Desktop viewer for XenDesktop

When you lunch desktop you will get desktop viewer . This allows you to minimize XenDesktop hosted desktop an use regular desktop. This can be disable or enabled



By default it will be enabled . To enable it look for default.ica in a folder used by desktop WI on a WI server. Edit that file and check for the value


Also there a webinterface.conf and you will find a setting  “ShowDesktopViewer” .This should be set to “=On”

Following combination work for DesktopViwer on WI


ConnectionBar=0 & ShowDesktopViewer=On - XD task bar is not showing
ConnectionBar=1 & ShowDesktopViewer=On - XD task bar is showing
ConnectionBar=0 & ShowDesktopViewer=Off - XD task bar is not showing
ConnectionBar=1 & ShowDesktopViewer=Off - XD task bar is showing

1 comment:

Jo Harder said...

The ConnectionBar line item needs to be added under the [Application] section because it's not there by default. Also, Citrix KnowledgeBase reference is CTX122544.

Jo Harder
Citrix Systems